Federal Firearms License: We Make Sure You Get Your FFL And Stay In Compliance With ATF Regulations
All Services Provided Nationwide
Contact: info@fflconsultinggroup.com
Get your Federal Firearms License (FFL). Free Consultation.

As Director of Firearms Licensing And Consulting Group, LLC (FLCG), I want to introduce myself and my company to you. I served with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) as an Industry Operations Investigator (IOI) for 12 years prior to retiring with a combined 23 years of federal service. During those 12 years I was the Lead Inspector/Investigator in over 400 combined FFL compliance inspections, FFL qualification inspections, and explosives industry regulatory inspections.
Federal Firearms License Veteran’s Service
This is a Service – Not a FFL kit.
Free Consultation from a former ATF Investigator – 12 Years with ATF
Disabled Vets may qualify for free services
The knowledge and experience gained over 12 years with ATF puts FLCG in a unique position to provide assistance to individuals, small businesses and large companies who desire to engage in the firearms industry. Whether you are opening a small retail store, a medium sized firearms importation business, or a large manufacturing plant, FLCG can provide the expertise your company needs to successfully navigate the ATF licensing process and get your Federal Firearms License.
ATF Compliance Audits: We prepare you for audits, train your employees and correct deficiencies
In this age of increasing focus on the firearms industry, it’s important that new and experienced licensees as well, are adequately educated and prepared to comply with ATF regulatory requirements. Although the provisions of the GCA and NFA are slow to change, ATFs overall regulatory enforcement strategy and tactics have changed significantly over a short period of time. There is every indication that as time passes, ATF will continue to strengthen and modify it’s blueprint for regulatory compliance. Industry members should prepare for ATFs enforcement strategy to evolve, becoming more complex as ATF continues to focus on it’s obligation to protect public safety. FLCG can help you stay ahead of the curve, avoid compliance failures, and secure the future of your company.
Having lead numerous inspections of federal firearms licensees, I’ve acquired a significant level of expertise in initiating virtually all possible types of ATF administrative action scenarios; from reports of violations, to warning conferences and revocation cases. But more importantly, a significant portion of my time as an IOI was also spent educating and instructing industry members on how to improve operations, avoid regulatory failure and ATF administrative action. I’m confident that FLCG can provide the service you need to initially secure your federal firearms license, and then provide the evaluation, training and support you need to keep it. Please feel free to contact us at the telephone number provided or at the email below. We will respond within 24 hrs or sooner for any pressing matters.
JR Valdes Director, Firearms Licensing And Consulting Group, LLC; FFLConsultingGroup.com Telephone: 786-587-8827; email: info@fflconsultinggroup.com
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